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The Narrow Way's Christ for all Nations, Inc. is a non-denominational evangelical ministry with the mandate of making disciples of all nations.
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“However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.” (John 16:13).

God is still speaking to His children.


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Pre-Tribulation Rapture Timeline | Brother Hosanna David

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Timeline | Brother Hosanna David

Are you among the few who will join the Lord after the Great Tribulation? After the tribulations of those days (Matthew 24:29) there will be signs in the sky, and the Son of Man will appeared. All the nations will see Him and wail before him (Revelation 1:7). Only a...

Devotional: Be Willing | Brother Hosanna David

Devotional: Be Willing | Brother Hosanna David

A lot of times when it is God’s set time to reveal His power He finds unwillingness amongst His children. We should be willing, especially when we know His timing. What is God prompting you to do? What does He want you to start? Are you willing but weak? ...

Devotional: God’s Timing | Brother Hosanna David

Devotional: God’s Timing | Brother Hosanna David

When it is God’s set time He prompts men in different ways to spring into action. God works with time. Let’s not think that we who are God’s children can do things at our own time if we want God’s will to be done in our lives. "To every thing there is a season, and a...


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News & Stories

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Timeline | Brother Hosanna David

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Timeline | Brother Hosanna David

Are you among the few who will join the Lord after the Great Tribulation? After the tribulations of those days (Matthew 24:29) there will be signs in the sky, and the Son of Man will appeared. All the nations will see Him and wail before him (Revelation 1:7). Only a...

Devotional: Be Willing | Brother Hosanna David

Devotional: Be Willing | Brother Hosanna David

A lot of times when it is God’s set time to reveal His power He finds unwillingness amongst His children. We should be willing, especially when we know His timing. What is God prompting you to do? What does He want you to start? Are you willing but weak? ...

Devotional: God’s Timing | Brother Hosanna David

Devotional: God’s Timing | Brother Hosanna David

When it is God’s set time He prompts men in different ways to spring into action. God works with time. Let’s not think that we who are God’s children can do things at our own time if we want God’s will to be done in our lives. "To every thing there is a season, and a...