This is a dream and visions that God gave me about the eternal doom of those who die without being saved and how He eagerly wants His children to be saved. He explained to me how His patience and grace works.
On the 8th of November 2022, I had a dream. I was lying down in the dream. I started crying after I got a message from the Lord that a lot of people are going to be in Hell for eternity. I wept and wept and cried. As I was crying, the Holy Spirit started speaking to me in the dream. He said to me, “Tell My people that those who believe in Me, even if they are weak, let them not stop doing good. Let them not stop believing in My name. Let them keep believing in Me. Let them keep striving, because God is a merciful God.” He quoted Romans 10:13, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
My understanding of what He said is that He knows the weaknesses of His children, those who believe in Him. Some struggle to overcome their weaknesses even after believing and accepting Jesus Christ into their life. Such struggles discourage some to give up. He is therefore, encouraging them never to give up on believing, even if they keep falling, they should keep striving and never give up on the Christian race.
Rev. 3:8 “I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a LITTLE STRENGTH, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.”
1 Samuel 2:9 “… for by strength shall no man prevail.”
In the same dream, after that moment someone sent me a link. I could read the topic of the message from the link: “150 Years in Hell”. The link was from Eternity Race website.
Again that same night, while I was sleeping, I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit saying to someone, “Do not start living in immorality because you feel you are not good enough in the sight of God. Do this and you will make Heaven: Cast the burden of your weaknesses upon your Saviour. Surrender your life to Him and He will live in you through His Spirit (Phil. 2:13). Nobody has ever made it into Heaven by their own power (1 Samuel 2:9; Romans 9:15,16). No human effort is good enough to earn him eternal life. Salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8). I am the Lord your Saviour. I came to save because man cannot save himself. Now that I have come accept Me and allow Me to save you despite your weaknesses. I knew how weak you are before I came to save you.”
Romans 5:6 “For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.”
On the 9th of November 2022 the Holy Spirit spoke to me about the same message.
“God does not complicate the way to salvation. We have only one aim: to save mankind. The God who has resolved to save does not bring any stumbling block. I am the Lord, tell My people that I am not just Love, but I am Mercy.”
In a vision I saw a wooden plank on which were projecting nails. It is usually used to stop incoming vehicles on the way during a roadblock. They were being removed from a tarred road. Then I heard a voice saying to me, “Do I obstruct Myself? Why should I bring a stumbling block before the very works of My own hands? I have determined to save and I Am also ready to save. Tell My preachers not to complicate the Gospel that saves. The Salvation Gospel is ‘Saved through faith in Jesus Christ alone.’ No law, no works and services are required. I have come to save, therefore, I want to save as many that want to escape the Great Fiery Judgment. If you My preachers had known how fierce the fire of Hell looks, you would not have complicated the Gospel of salvation, instead, you would have gone after the sinners and the weak to pull them from the path of destruction; you would not have looked down on them as people who are condemned and as people who do not deserve mercy and forgiveness. Tell them that My name is Mercy.”
“Tell them (preachers) to go after the lost. I Am out there waiting for the preachers to scatter the seeds for Me to water them and protect and germinate them. All Souls are mine, no soul is more important than the other. They are all My Breath. As the madman, so is the priest, they are only different in their callings and the works they have done on Earth. All souls are equal.”
On the 10th of November 2022, the Lord continued to speak to me about the same message.
“Let every Christian pick up a gongue and play it about. Let them announce that people should repent because Jesus Christ is coming soon.”
Personally, I had some confusion about the emphasis God lays on “salvation through faith in Jesus Christ’s name”. As a result I was questioning some of the things I was told. Then He spoke to me to explain to me.
“What is difficult there that you do not understand? Nobody works for salvation. Working for salvation means saving oneself. Jesus saves all those who believe. They do not work for the New Life they receive. It is a gift from God. I give the garment of righteousness for free. What people see as work is keeping the garment clean always. It is in Our nature to be pure therefore it is the responsibility of anyone who receives this free gift of righteousness to keep it clean from impurities. Have I ever rejected any of My children because of stains in this free garment of righteousness? I have not, rather they reject Me. They reject Me by deliberately leaving their garments unwashed and with wrinkles. What is the work of the Blood of the New Covenant? Why do My children neglect the Blood that washes them clean without cost? (Revelation 7:14). I do not reject My children because of stains on their garments of righteousness, it is their refusal to keep it clean that leads to their rejection (1 John 1:8-10; 1 John 2:1-2). Remember that disobedience is a sin. The rejection of being washed clean by the Blood is disobedience. No unclean thing shall enter My holy Kingdom. (Revelation 21:27).
“Let all those who fall rise up. Their fall does not stop Me from saving them, but their refusal to rise up and their resolution to team up with Satan My enemy to live in unrighteousness is what leads to their rejection.”
“Tell My children that I know that they could fall if they are not on their guard enough, but their fall does not make Me to pluck them off the Vine, rather, I keep calling them to repent, and I also supply them with enough grace to enable them get back to Me. I do not throw away those I have saved because they are weak, rather, I supply them with more grace to enable them overcome the infirmities of their flesh (Romans 5:20). Have I not known their weaknesses before I save them? Why should I throw them away because of their weaknesses? Tell them that the path of holiness and perfection is a journey. Nobody becomes perfect the very day they are saved. Tell My children not to get discouraged because of their imperfections. My Grace is able to keep them. Therefore, let them not pluck themselves off from Me. Tell them that all of them are in different spiritual classes. I mark their scripts according to their classes. I am their Judge, therefore, let them not condemn themselves when I have not condemned them. I do not call them to judge them but that they may escape the Judgment. This is why I do everything possible to save them. I have not come to condemn the world, but to save it (John 3:17). Let all those who have condemned themselves remove themselves from the position of the Judge. I have not condemned them, let them not condemn themselves.” (Romans 8:33, 34).
Then He said to me, “Repeat after Me, ‘SALVATION IS FREE.’” Then I said “SALVATION IS FREE.”
He said, “I watch My children as they grow and pass from one class to another. I know their strengths and abilities. I disciplined them when they are lazy, stubborn or disobedient. My discipline is to enable them remain in My love. My love corrects (Revelation 3:19). As they grew, I increase my expectations. Tell My children that the Kingdom of God is a Kingdom of discipline. This is why all those who have been saved by grace must put in their best according to the amount of grace apportioned to them to live a holy life. Holiness is the lifestyle of the Kingdom. I admit weak people into this path of holiness and I help them to grow. It is a journey (that I take) with them through the enablement of My grace. I do not expect perfection from them the very day they are saved. Tell them that I am loving and patient (Exodus 34:6; Numbers 14:18; Psalm 86:15). My Grace is sufficient for them all.” (2 Corinthians 12:9).
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