Why Many Christians Have Not Been Anointing

Why Many Christians Have Not Been Anointing

In today’s message we will consider uncleanness as a major reason why many Christians haven’t received the Anointing. We shall look at uncleanness under these 3 topics: 1. Spiritual Uncleanness: possession by unclean spirits, consulting soothsayers, idolatry,...
The Holy Spirit and Your Body

The Holy Spirit and Your Body

God created the human body for Himself and put His very own life in man when He breathed the breath of life into the nostril of man. That means, originally, God created man to live in him. Sin destroyed this relationship. When Jesus Christ came He reverse it and...
End Time Today

End Time Today

The end of the world that was prophesied in the Old Testament Books of the Prophets is now. We are already seeing the end time signs everywhere. Now we need to live circumspectly as wise and expectant citizens of the Kingdom of God. This message is a wakeup call to...