The Patience of the Saints | Brother Hosanna David

The Patience of the Saints | Brother Hosanna David

The undue hunger for instant miracles and the diluted teachings on faith have led a lot of people astray from bearing the fruit of the Spirit called patience. A lot of Christians do not want to be patient anymore. This modern type of faith that is not patient cannot...
Best Investment Today | Brother Hosanna David

Best Investment Today | Brother Hosanna David

On the Last Day everyone that lived on earth is going to reap what they have done while in the body, whether good or bad. Those who have eternal life shall receive the treasures they stored in Heaven while on Earth. The best investment that will never rot nor get...
Evidence of Future Victories | Brother Hosanna David

Evidence of Future Victories | Brother Hosanna David

There are some of us who have been through thick and thin in the past. Some of us in times past lost all hope for survival or deliverance because of how deadly the situation was but we survived it miraculously. Our survival was so miraculous that even we ourselves...