The wrong Multitude | Brother Hosanna David

The wrong Multitude | Brother Hosanna David

There’s been no generation whose majority had the fear of God. It has always been the majority living in rebellion against the laws of God. In the first world that existed before the flood, the whole world was corrupt, living according to their own desires and lusts,...
Best Investment Today | Brother Hosanna David

Best Investment Today | Brother Hosanna David

On the Last Day everyone that lived on earth is going to reap what they have done while in the body, whether good or bad. Those who have eternal life shall receive the treasures they stored in Heaven while on Earth. The best investment that will never rot nor get...
The Kingdom’s Pension Scheme | Brother Hosanna David

The Kingdom’s Pension Scheme | Brother Hosanna David

A fixed sum paid regularly to a person following retirement from service or to surviving dependents. We are sojourners in this world. Our eternal home is Heaven. Just as we plan for our pension and prepare for our retirement, every wise Christian must invest in the...
God is Always in Charge | Brother Hosanna David

God is Always in Charge | Brother Hosanna David

God is Almighty which means He has all powers. He is always in charge of every situation, whether it be good or bad. He makes sure that everything works together for the good of His children. We just need to trust in Him, and also, not just believe in Him for the...