The 3 Major Works of God’s Grace | @HosannaEEDavid
What are the works of God’s Grace apart being saved by God’s grace through faith in the finished works of Jesus Christ? Grace is not just about offering us the free gift of life but the works of grace continues beyond that.Hindrances to Getting Anointed: Spiritual Possession | Brother Hosanna David
Today’s message is focused on spiritual uncleanness, which is one of the hindrances to getting anointed. We narrow today’s message down to spiritual possession. How does spiritual possession hinder a Christian from getting anointed? How does one get involved in...
The Days of Noah Today
There is no doubt that we have started living in the days of Noah. This a very clear sign that the Rapture is near. There’s a massive delusion and as a result many people are not paying attention to these end time signs. Matthew 24:37-39 “But as the days...
Message to the Church | “Behold, I Come Quickly”
by Admin | Feb 19, 2023 | End Time Revelations & Messages, Messages
The Lord revealed to me about the state of some believers who have been deceived, thinking they are already in the kingdom of God but are not. Please try to watch the video...
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