13 Facts Billions of People Will Go to Hell & Only Few Will Make Heaven | Hosanna David
Many people ask if God, who is loving and merciful, will really send all the billions of people who are not saved to Hell Fire. In this teaching we are going to consider 13 facts that prove that billions of people will end up in the fire of...15 Qualifications for the Rapture | Hosanna David
Jesus Christ did not say that everyone that professes to be his follower will make it to heaven, But only those who believe in him, Born Again, receive the holy spirit him and continue to obey the commandment of God and remain faithful until death or his return....Difference between the Rapture and the second coming of jesus christ
The rapture and the second coming of jesus christ are two separate events that must take place. Many people do not know the difference between them.Message to the Church | “Behold, I Come Quickly”
by Admin | Feb 19, 2023 | End Time Revelations & Messages, Messages
The Lord revealed to me about the state of some believers who have been deceived, thinking they are already in the kingdom of God but are not. Please try to watch the video...
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