The Patience of the Saints | Brother Hosanna David

The Patience of the Saints | Brother Hosanna David

The undue hunger for instant miracles and the diluted teachings on faith have led a lot of people astray from bearing the fruit of the Spirit called patience. A lot of Christians do not want to be patient anymore. This modern type of faith that is not patient cannot...
God won’t Go There With You | Brother Hosanna David

God won’t Go There With You | Brother Hosanna David

We sing a song, “Jesus go with me, I cannot go alone. Jesus go with me, I cannot go alone. The way is narrow and full of many dangers. Jesus go with me, I cannot go alone.” The Holy Spirit lives in us and the angels of God abide with us too. These are the ways God...
God’s Clock | Brother Hosanna David

God’s Clock | Brother Hosanna David

When you enter a new environment that has a new time zone you are expected to adopt the new time zone. You can’t greet people good morning just because it is morning in your home country when it is evening in your new environment. When we come into God’s kingdom we...