The Blessings of Association | Brother Hosanna David

The Blessings of Association | Brother Hosanna David

There are people who are carrying God’s blessings in their lives, those who have God’s grace. Associating with such blessed people could have positive impacts in your life. One of such impacts is the flow of God’s blessings from the one that is blessed into your life....
A Deeper Aspect of Association | Brother Hosanna David

A Deeper Aspect of Association | Brother Hosanna David

In this world today it is difficult to see someone who is neither carrying blessings nor curses. It is either blessings are following you or curses are. As a matter of fact, in most cases, before people are born into this world, their parents accrue some levels of...
God’s Presence | Brother Hosanna David

God’s Presence | Brother Hosanna David

One great difference between the Old and the New Covenants is the level of the presence of God abiding with God’s children. The presence of God in the New Testament era is a major part of God’s promise. Now He lives in us. In fact, one of the names of Jesus Christ is...
God’s Clock | Brother Hosanna David

God’s Clock | Brother Hosanna David

When you enter a new environment that has a new time zone you are expected to adopt the new time zone. You can’t greet people good morning just because it is morning in your home country when it is evening in your new environment. When we come into God’s kingdom we...