Devotional: God’s Timing | Brother Hosanna David

Devotional: God’s Timing | Brother Hosanna David

When it is God’s set time He prompts men in different ways to spring into action. God works with time. Let’s not think that we who are God’s children can do things at our own time if we want God’s will to be done in our lives. “To every thing there is a season,...
The Patience of the Saints | Brother Hosanna David

The Patience of the Saints | Brother Hosanna David

The undue hunger for instant miracles and the diluted teachings on faith have led a lot of people astray from bearing the fruit of the Spirit called patience. A lot of Christians do not want to be patient anymore. This modern type of faith that is not patient cannot...
A Deeper Aspect of Association | Brother Hosanna David

A Deeper Aspect of Association | Brother Hosanna David

In this world today it is difficult to see someone who is neither carrying blessings nor curses. It is either blessings are following you or curses are. As a matter of fact, in most cases, before people are born into this world, their parents accrue some levels of...
God won’t Go There With You | Brother Hosanna David

God won’t Go There With You | Brother Hosanna David

We sing a song, “Jesus go with me, I cannot go alone. Jesus go with me, I cannot go alone. The way is narrow and full of many dangers. Jesus go with me, I cannot go alone.” The Holy Spirit lives in us and the angels of God abide with us too. These are the ways God...