The wrong Multitude | Brother Hosanna David

The wrong Multitude | Brother Hosanna David

There’s been no generation whose majority had the fear of God. It has always been the majority living in rebellion against the laws of God. In the first world that existed before the flood, the whole world was corrupt, living according to their own desires and lusts,...
God won’t Go There With You | Brother Hosanna David

God won’t Go There With You | Brother Hosanna David

We sing a song, “Jesus go with me, I cannot go alone. Jesus go with me, I cannot go alone. The way is narrow and full of many dangers. Jesus go with me, I cannot go alone.” The Holy Spirit lives in us and the angels of God abide with us too. These are the ways God...
God’s Presence | Brother Hosanna David

God’s Presence | Brother Hosanna David

One great difference between the Old and the New Covenants is the level of the presence of God abiding with God’s children. The presence of God in the New Testament era is a major part of God’s promise. Now He lives in us. In fact, one of the names of Jesus Christ is...
The Eternal Joy of the Overcomers | Hosanna David

The Eternal Joy of the Overcomers | Hosanna David

We pass through this world as pilgrims with much pains, through much trials and tribulations. While we groan with patience and await in hope our redemption, let us fix our eyes on the reward and our Eternal Home that was purchased for us through our salvation in...