Just Say “Yes” | Hosanna David

Just Say “Yes” | Hosanna David

The journey of a thousand miles begins with just a step. The till-death-do-us-apart journey of a man and a woman who want to build a family begins with just saying “yes”. This is what we also need to do when the Lord calls us from the world into His fold, to be kings...
Look and Live by Hosanna David

Look and Live by Hosanna David

There are things a lot of people do not understand about the free gift of salvation and the Christian living. Unfortunately, Satan uses their ignorance against them. This message will help you to understand how much free is the free gift of Salvation through Jesus...
Once Saved Always Saved?

Once Saved Always Saved?

Once saved always saved or Perseverance of the saints (also called preservation of the Saints is a heretic teaching that asserts that once a person is truly “born of God” or “regenerated” by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, they will continue...