Devotional: Be Willing | Brother Hosanna David

Devotional: Be Willing | Brother Hosanna David

A lot of times when it is God’s set time to reveal His power He finds unwillingness amongst His children. We should be willing, especially when we know His timing. What is God prompting you to do? What does He want you to start? Are you willing but...
Devotional: A New Beginning | Brother Hosanna David

Devotional: A New Beginning | Brother Hosanna David

“And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father’s have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger! 18 I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, 19 And am...
The wrong Multitude | Brother Hosanna David

The wrong Multitude | Brother Hosanna David

There’s been no generation whose majority had the fear of God. It has always been the majority living in rebellion against the laws of God. In the first world that existed before the flood, the whole world was corrupt, living according to their own desires and lusts,...
Our Journey Back Home | Bro. Hosanna David

Our Journey Back Home | Bro. Hosanna David

As we see the end time signs everywhere it is good we remind ourselves of this life’s journey – our journey back to God our Maker. There are two things that we cannot prevent. These are: either going to meet the Lord through death or the Lord coming to...
Seek Jesus, Not the Church | Bro. Hosanna David

Seek Jesus, Not the Church | Bro. Hosanna David

The days are evil, the time is far spent. It is time to seek the Lord, and not seeking the Church without the seeking the God of the Church. Church attendance without having a relationship with Jesus Christ will not save you. This is the time to repent and worship the...