15 Qualifications for the Rapture

15 Qualifications for the Rapture

15 Qualifications for the Rapture 1. Be born again 2. Have the Holy Spirit 3. Sealed by the Holy Spirit 4. Be watchful 5. Faithful unto death 6. Be in Christ 7. Be Christ’s: 8. Be holy 9. Be good 10. Be worthy 11. Be in the Church 12. Be pure 13. Be without spot or...
11 Purposes of the Rapture

11 Purposes of the Rapture

To receive Saints to Himself as promised by Jesus Christ To resurrect the dead in Christ from among the wicked dead To take saints to heaven to live in the New Jerusalem and receive rewards To change bodies of saints to immortality To present saints before God To make...
The Rapture of the Saints: Things you need to know

The Rapture of the Saints: Things you need to know

The Rapture is the catching away of dead Saints and prepared Christians to meet Jesus Christ in the air. In this Bible study we want to consider these topics below: 1. Location of Christians 2. Who Does He Return With? 3. Purpose – Mercy or Judgment? 4. Who is Taken?...
What is the Rapture of the Saints?

What is the Rapture of the Saints?

What is The Rapture of the Saints? Text: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 The word rapture is from the Greek word ἁρπάζω, transliterated harpazō (phonetic: har-pad’-zo). It means to seize, carry off by force, to seize on, claim for one’s self eagerly, to snatch out or away...